CS371p Fall 2020 Week 6: Mitchell Watkins

Mitchell Watkins
2 min readOct 4, 2020

What did you do this past week?

I’ve spent a lot of time on my SWE and OOP projects! It’s been pretty fun and fulfilling honestly. Of course, I played volleyball a lot too to stay active. Also, my friend has been posting me on her Tik Tok, and the posts have gone viral, so that’s cool.

What’s in your way?

Midsemester laziness. I’m tempted to fall behind in my schoolwork, but I haven’t. I just know it’s in my best interest to stay on top of things as I have a wave of exams and big projects on the horizon.

What will you do next week?

I will be working with my SWE partners on our web app and OOP project. Within my group, I am going to spearhead the backend development with another partner, and I’m actually paired to work on the OOP heap project with him as well. I will be proactively working on SWE, OOP, and my other classes, so that I will have a bit more breathing room for the week after. The reason I want more breathing room for the week after is because it will be my birthday, and really need to make a trip home to Houston to celebrate it with my family. It’ll be a challenge because exams fall in the same week, so I got to get to work!

What was your experience with arrays, equal(), and iterators?

As these are fundamental OOP concepts, I didn’t have a hard time at all digesting the lectures this week. I’ve experienced all of these in Java, so it’s just been translating it to C++ mainly.

What made you happy this week?

Getting the first phase of IDB was pretty fulfilling and also finishing the voting project. Also, I’m getting very good at volleyball which is exciting.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Flask is my pick-of-the-week. Flask is a python web framework that was very easy to configure and setup for my SWE web app. I’ve only just begun the backend of our web app, but it has been great to work with and use!

