CS373 Fall 2020 Final Entry

Mitchell Watkins
3 min readDec 6, 2020

Overall, how was CS373?

This class has honestly been amazing. Although this class is a CS elective, it feels as if it was a core class. I feel that the skills gained through taking this class are so precious and should be in every programmer’s arsenal. I would recommend this class to any and all UT CS.

How was the professor?

I would say professor Downing is in a tie, with Mike Scott, for being my favorite professor here at the University of Texas at Austin. His understanding of the material is deep and unfaltering and it shows in all of his lectures. It’s always fun to play “Stump the Professor,” but Glenn hardly ever lost in this class.

Key takeaways from this class?

Testing is and will always be one of the most important things a programmer does with their code.

Programmers should always look to reuse code and build symmetry in their code.

The ability to collaborate is core to one’s overall value as a programmer.

Make code as modular as possible. Not only does it make the code more aesthetic and readable, but it also makes the code mobile and flexible.

Refactoring is more than just making code more aesthetic or readable. Refactoring code makes the code more mobile, efficient, and reliable when you refactor the code to be modular.

How did you feel about two-stage quizzes and tests?

When I tell my friends who aren’t in CS or other CS students not taking any of Downing’s classes that both my daily quizzes and exams have nearly half of the grade points based on collaboration with other students, they react with horror. It seemed ludicrous that one’s grades should be based so heavily on the performance of others. However, I have no qualms with the structure of quizzes and tests. I have no qualms because it is strengthening our ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with others, and that is something I believe to be an invaluable skill in this field.

How did you feel about cold calling?

Downing’s classes have this notorious cold calling, where every lecture he will call upon random students and repeatedly question them over the code as he writes it, all the while every other student watching. It’s understandably nerve-racking, but I feel it is very beneficial for the student. It prepares students so perfectly for future interviews and also is a device that ensures students don’t fall behind on material (due to the fear of being called on and not knowing what the hell is happening). It is scary, but it is a really good thing that Downing should continue doing.

How did you feel about office hours and lab sessions?

This class has a heavy workload. Office hours are frequent and effective and I would recommend utilizing them. Professor Downing and the TAs do a great job in helping students.

