CS373 Fall 2020 Week of 16 Nov — 22 Nov Mitchell Watkins

Mitchell Watkins
2 min readNov 22, 2020

What did you do this past week?

I played a lot of volleyball with a lot of UT club members. It was really fun. I’ve also done a lot of homework in the final push for Thanksgiving break. I still have a bit more to do. I need to finish my Life OOP project and wrap up my SWE project by Monday. Hopefully, the deadline will be extended a day like the last 2 projects.

What’s in your way?

I need to catch up on class material in preparation for exams when I return from Thanksgiving break. For OOP and SWE, I need to rewatch lectures and be read for my exams on December 3rd.

What will you do next week?

I will be eating turkey, reuniting with friends in Houston, and studying during thanksgiving break. It will be very nice as we haven’t had a break from school in a long while. I am looking forward to next week!

What did you think of What Happens to Us Does Not Happen to Most of You?

It was a well-written paper on a hard to read the subject, and it is good that we read it. Reading, acknowledging, and acting against sexism and harassment in tech fields is imperative. I think the strongest message of it was where it called upon the reader to be an agent of change and actively call out and steer the culture in a better direction, away from sexism and discrimination.

What was your experience with refactoring?

I’ve always known the concept and principles of refactoring but having concrete Hackerrank exercises and examples provided in the class are great reinforcers in learning how to refactor.

What made you happy this week?

I got to hang with my university friends! As we all prepare to leave campus and reunite with family and friends at home, we made sure to spend time with each other here on campus, our second home.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

As a lot of people will be traveling home for the holidays, my tip-of-the-week is to stay safe and sanitary as we are still in a pandemic. Protect your loved ones!

